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Site CreatorsKevinLaurenSpencerPhil

    In the early 1990’s social networking was built around online forums and message boards. These were used to relay opinions, tech help and general discussions. These were not based in real-time as they required posting of a new topic or response and then someone else could respond to you. This was advanced in the late 1990’s with the creation of chat rooms. These were essentially online clubs that allowed users to chat in real time. The benefit here was that chat rooms had regulars much like message boards so people would make new friends on the boards and build virtual relationships. The next step along the social network path was the creation of websites such as my space and face book. My space was originally designed for aspiring musicians to upload there music and create a fan base. This was done by allowing people to become friend with one another and seek new musicians to listen to. Face book, on the other hand, was created purely to network people together. This is done by sorting users on many different levels of criteria such as country-- province--city--school. This narrows down who you will see as suggestions of people you might know. This has become the most popular online social networking tool because it allows users to share everything from pictures to opinions to chat.

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